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London Underground celebrates 150th anniversary with new video

The London Underground rail system is celebrating its 150th anniversary,  for which a new video has been released. The video shows the early days of the Tube and depicts various scenes from Tube’s 150-year history.

The video also includes trains travelling through stations in the early years of the 20th century to the London passengers sheltering from bombings  during the Blitz. The first journey was made by the passengers on the London Underground on January 9, 1863 on the Metropolitan Railway. At that time the line ran between Paddington and Farringdon Street, which is now part of the circle line. At that time, the service was operated by steam and it was also a huge success,  as about 26,000 passengers used the railway line every day in the first six months.

In 2011/12 a record of 1.171 billion passenger journeys were made,  which was a record in itself. The Mayor of London Boris Johnson offered his tribute at the anniversary by saying, “The London Underground is one of the greatest mass-transit systems in the world, if not the greatest. It’s the oldest and the best. It annihilates distance, it brings people together across London in the most incredible way”. The Tube is one of the most popular modes of transport in London even today.


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