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Yahoo to feature Sky News video content

Yahoo Inc. has joined up with Sky News in a new partnership through which it will be showing videos to Yahoo users in the UK and many more across the globe. The company is already using text-based stories from Sky…

Tipping in US replaced with set wages and increased prices

A decision has been taken by a restaurant in Manhattan to eliminate tipping from the fine dining experience. Instead of the tipping, the restaurant will be paying its waiters a set salary and will also increase the prices of menu…

Spirit Airlines to sell wine in cans

American low-cost airline Spirit Airlines has announced that their customers will be charged $7 for wine that is served in a can. The airline is already well-known for charging their fliers for almost everything. The airline is counting on the…

Domino’s testing pizza delivery drones in the UK

With the rising popularity of pizza delivery, a British company says that it is currently testing the feasibility of delivering pizzas by drone. T + Biscuits, the creative agency says that Domino’s hired them to try out the prototypes. Tom…

Dunkin’ Donuts to launch Glazed Donut breakfast

Food manufacturing giant Dunkin’ Donuts is all set to introduce a new delicacy on its breakfast menu. The donuts maker will be introducing its sugary and salty Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich on June 7, 2013. Photo of the breakfast item…

Walmart fined for improper disposal of hazardous waste

American-based retail giant Walmart has been recently criticised for dumping pollutants from its stores into drains of 16 California counties. The retail giant will have to pay a fine of  $81 million as part of the plea after it pleaded…

All Nippon Airways begins 787 Dreamliner operations

The All Nippon Airways of Japan has once again started the commercial flights of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This is the first time flights were resumed since the planes were grounded due to safety reasons. After resuming the service, the…

McDonald’s defends obesity allegations

Fast food giant McDonald’s was recently faced with allegations that it serves unhealthy food which causes obesity. Don Thompson, the company’s chief executive, defended these concerns and said that they do not sell junk food. Thompson added, “We sell a…

Amazon announces e-book fan fiction sales in US

Internet shopping giant Amazon has announced that the fan fiction authors will be able to sell some of their work on the firm’s Kindle e-book platform. The fan fiction is literature that is inspired by popular films, books and TV…

China to help Indian companies with marketing

On May 16, 2013, industry body Assocham said that China is interested in helping the Indian exporters market their products in that country. The widening trade deficit with China has been a major issue of concern for India. This issue…